- +91 8220766633
- stthomasacademycbse@gmail.com
St. Thomas Academy Senior Secondary CBSE School
St.Thomas Mount, Chennai-600016
CBSE Affiliation No: 1931108
Our School St.Thomas Academy originally named with the Patron of our School Called St. Thomas,the Apostle of Jesus Christ. He was the first one of the twelve to enter the Gospels practically unnoticed, leader of the silent, almost mute apostles.. He is also known and called as the “Twin” and his attachment to his Lord was so deep and authentic that, he dynamited his companisons, “let us also go with him and die with him”(John 11.16), perhaps he was envisaged to accompany Jesus to Mount, traditionally known as (PARANGI MALAI) and the Portuguese named it as “Mounte Grande”. He was also privileged to have a rich faith experience and a personal encounter at the feet of the Risen Lord, When he exclaimed the immortal… Continue Reading
Born : 03rd July
Feast : 29th June
Priestly Ordination : 09th May
Episcopal Consecration : 29th September 2002
The Diocese of Chingleput was declared as an independent new Diocese on 19th July 2002. Most Rev. Dr. A. Neethinathan was appointed as the first Bishop of Chingleput. The Diocese of Chinglput comprises of the entire civil districts of Chengalpattu, Kancheepuram and some part of the district of Chennai. It has 107 parishes and three Independent Shrines. 80% of parishes are in the rural areas. 146 diocesan priests, 70 religious priests and 72 religious congregations serve in the diocese….Continue Reading
Bishop of Chingleput
Director & Correspondent
Dear Students and Parents,
Warm greetings and God’s choicest blessings to you all.
I am honoured and delighted to serve as the new Director of St. Thomas Academy. I am deeply grateful to the Education Society Chairman, President, and all members for this opportunity to collaborate and contribute to the continued growth and success of our esteemed institution.
We, St. Thomas Academy CBSE- institution dedicated to fulfilling the mission and vision of our esteemed education society. We believe in fostering a holistic learning environment that goes beyond academics. Our goal is to nurture well-rounded individuals who excel not only in their studies, but also in their personal and social development,…. Continue Reading
“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically.
Intelligence plus character is the goal of true education”.
Martin Luther King, Jr.